Founded in 2005 in San Francisco, California, JOBY introduced the unique 'GorillaPods', an award-winning range of flexible tripods. No matter how many obstacles or how uneven the underground, the GorillaPods can be optimally aligned and set up securely. The rubberized feet provide slip resistance and the movable legs can even be wrapped around railings, branches, poles or poles. A thoughtful design starts with the user-centered approach, is functional yet sportive. In 2011, Jobe Inc. was acquired by Daymen. DayMen is the company that owns LoewePro. The synergy of the two model ranges: tripods, flashes, hand straps and tripod plates from Joby and photo bags, photo backpacks and photo backpacks from LowePro is rare in the world. Today, JOBY is a manufacturer of products for a creative and active lifestyle in the field of photo, cell phone and lighting technology, and its products make photographers' lives easier.
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