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Recipe: raspberry cake in the Omnia oven

Himbeerkuchen in einem Omnia-Backofen draussen.
Marketing, Zurich Office
© Photos

Thanks to Omnia’s outdoor oven, this recipe for a moist raspberry cake is a sure-fire success wherever you cook it – whether on a camping stove outside your tent or on an open fire.

Cooking on a fire is about more than campfire bread and jacket potatoes. The Omnia oven enables you to cook almost every recipe imaginable. Thanks to this mobile oven, you can either make your food with a camping stove or over the fire. The Kugelhopf shape distributes the heat to create a fan effect. At the start, you might need a bit of practice. You’ll notice it’s often a little hotter in the lower portion of the oven than the exterior Omnia thermometer displays. As a result, don’t cook at over 150 degrees: you’re better off cooking your food at lower temperatures for longer.

Raspberry cake in your Omnia – recipe with instructions

This recipe has been calculated for a round Kugelhopf tin in the Omnia outdoor oven and is enough for eight people.

Auslegeordnung Zutaten Himbeerkuchen, man sieht unter anderem: Eier, Zucker, Himbeeren, Zitrone, Mehl
Photo © Somara Frick

Crumble topping ingredients

75 g butter

80 g sugar

180 g almonds (ground)

Batter ingredients

220 g butter

220 g sugar

1 pinch of salt

3 large eggs

1/2 lemon

220 g plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

500 g fresh raspberries

Instructions: raspberry cake

Crumble topping: Put the butter, sugar and ground almonds into a bowl. Mix them together – first by hand, then with a fork – until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Put to one side until the batter is ready.

Batter: Put the butter (softened), sugar and a pinch of salt into a bowl and whisk with a balloon whisk until creamed. Then, add the eggs, the zest (grated rind) and juice of half a lemon and continue to stir until light and airy. Sieve the flour, add the baking powder and combine with the mixture. To finish, fold the raspberries into the batter and pour straight into the round Kugelhopf tin (incl. silicon baking sheet). Then, scatter the crumble topping on top and bake at 150 degrees (according to the Omnia thermometer) for around 60 minutes. Once the cooking time is up, use the spike of the Omnia thermometer or a knitting needle to see whether the batter sticks to it. If it does, it needs to bake for a little longer. Once cooked, cool on a wire rack.

Tip: you can also make the cake using cherries, plums, apricots or apples, depending on the season.

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