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Rethreading in a climbing park: video guide

Nahaufnahme einer Selbstsicherungsschlinge und einem Seil, das mit einem Haken verbunden ist.
Alpine sales advisor, Transa store Europaallee Zurich
© Photos

You’ve completed the route and reached a point where you’ve got to change direction: now it’s time to thread your rope. However, nobody can check what you’re doing here, so you need to know this manoeuvre inside out. In the video, mountain guide Fabian explains how this works.

You’re climbing, enjoying the view at the top and feel like you’ve made it. But the work’s not quite over: you need to change direction before you can get your feet firmly planted back on the ground.

In climbing parks, two rings are affixed to the rock for this purpose. But how exactly do you thread through them? Nobody can help you with this, so it’s important that you know what knot to secure yourself with and how to thread the rope through the ring before abseiling down.

Instructions: threading in the climbing park

We’re in a Ticino climbing park with our colleagues from Höhenfieber. In the video, mountain guide Fabian explains how to rethread your rope.

This video offers an initial insight into rethreading in a climbing park, but it is no substitute for a course or instruction. To feel safe, you should practice rethreading on the ground, where you can focus. And when you’re in a climbing park for the first time, go with someone who knows what they’re doing.

Equipment and multi-pitch routes

It goes without saying that you need the right equipment for your trip to the climbing park. Unlike in a climbing gym, say, you need to take your own expresses. You’ll need a helmet too, as stones can fall from above. 

Don’t have the right equipment? No problem. Whether you need a climbing harness, climbing helmet or crampons, our hire service has all kinds of items for you to rent. However, we do not hire out rope for safety reasons. Be careful if you borrow items from friends, too. 

If you want to buy your equipment, our shop has everything you need.

Climbing park equipment

Once you’ve got a bit more practice under your belt, you’ll doubtless want to give a lengthier route a try. That’s fine, as long as you know how you’ll get down safely again. Why? Because there are a few things to bear in mind when abseiling on multi-pitch routes. Our instructions will help you stay safe in the climbing park.

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