Lisa Hermes
Is it possible to travel around the world without flying? That’s what sisters Lisa and Julia asked themselves – and simply set off. They also hitchhiked across the Atlantic: by sailing boat.
Lisa (28) and Julia (27) are hitchhiking their way around the world. The two German sisters chose hitchhiking as their mode of travel because it’s more environmentally friendly – the vehicles they ride with would be on the road anyway. But also because it meant they could keep meeting new people and hear new stories.
On the first few kilometres of their globetrotting trip, they hitchhiked through France and Spain. In Gibraltar, they wanted a lift to Las Palmas.
With a stopover in Cape Verde, the sisters ended up sailing across the Atlantic. The ten-day crossing on the small boat wasn’t as romantic as you might think. No privacy, damp mattresses, boredom and the constant rocking of the boat left Lisa and Julia eagerly anticipating hitting the mainland.
From Venezuela, they gradually travelled further south. They hitchhiked, getting lifts from locals either in cars or sometimes in lorries. On reaching the Amazon region, they had to abandon the road option and take to the water. The two sisters bought a canoe and continued their journey.
The sisters had originally planned their trip to last two to three years – but it looks like they’ll be away for longer. Currently, they are travelling from the southernmost tip of South America back towards Central and North America, and ultimately want to get back home via Asia and Eastern Europe. And right now Lisa and Julia are working on the next plan – how to cross the Bering Strait without flying.
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