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Love ski touring and can’t wait for the season to begin? We’ve put together some routes that you can usually tackle on your touring skis right from the off.

The mountain peaks are already adorned with snow – now’s the time to start planning your first ski tours before the season begins. But you’ll need to be patient, especially in the early winter months, as some tours are more suitable than others. The best routes are on gentle terrain – across alpine meadows, for instance. Skilfully navigate your way past rocks and woodland to protect you and your skis from scratches. We’ve compiled some recommendations for you.

Equipment for ski touring

Ski tours for early winter

Drei Personen auf einer Skitour im Aufstieg.
Photo © Jonas Jäggi

Menniggrat in Diemtigtal

This is a low-intensity ski tour on soft terrain and therefore a good choice in the early part of the season. You start off in Zwischenflüh or Meniggrund. The upper section is nice and flat. However, you’ll need to make sure you pick the right track in the forest section, especially at the start of the season, when there is little snow. In poor visibility, stay on the left in the direction of travel after you’ve passed the forest section to avoid the steep section east of Menigwald.

Skitour auf den Stockberg.
Photo © Jonas Jäggy

Stockberg in Toggenburg

One of the most popular ski mountains in eastern Switzerland. And for good reason: it’s easily accessible by public transport, it features gentle meadow slopes and it’s usually doable even when there’s a considerable risk of avalanche. There are two routes available from Stein, either up along the ridge or over the Risipass via the east. For an extended day trip, this tour can be combined with the Häderenberg, which includes a stopover at a great bakery at the midway point. You should avoid the upper part in the forest near Häderen at the start of the season – too many large rocks.

Berglandschaft vom Fanenstock aus im Glarnerland.
Photo © Jonas Jäggy

Fanenstock near Elm

This is a real classic and, like the other tours, easily accessible by public transport, and popular in early winter or after intensive snowfall. Good visibility is important on the way to the summit. Otherwise you’ll soon find yourself in a fairly hazardous hollow east of the ascent route. You can also extend your day tour by climbing the Färispitz as well.

Sonnige und verschneite Winterlandschaft mit Tiefschnee und wenige Skispuren
Photo © Jonas Jäggy

Fürstein and Rickhubel

The region between the Glaubeberg Pass and Sörenberg is a real highlight in mid-winter if there’s enough snow at medium altitudes. Take the Postauto bus to Glaubeberg and, from there, make your way over the Rickhubel and the Fürstein through picturesque landscapes. If you don’t mind skinning up a few times, you’ll be rewarded with a real ski safari.

Jemand auf Tourenski fährt einen verschneiten Hang hinunter, es ist sehr neblig.
Photo © Jonas Jäggy


The readily accessible Laucherenstöckli is a popular ski tour in central Switzerland. Approach is via Ibergeregg, the ski resort of Hoch-Ybrig or the village of Illgau, and the tour offers gentle slopes through wonderful forest aisles. Ideal for the first big snowfall. And even when the snow is coming down, the contours remain clearly visible thanks to the trees and forests. Be mindful of the Hasentobel wildlife protection zone.

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