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Kids Jackets

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Outdoor jackets for kids: dressed for the weather at any time of year

Whether it's a multi-day trekking tour through the mountains, a stay at a campsite or a daily walk with the whole family - your child will definitely need a good jacket for outdoor activities. Outdoor jackets for kids not only keep them warm, but also protect them from wind and moisture, depending on the model. You can choose from numerous different outdoor jackets in the Transa range, e.g. fleece jackets, softshell jackets, rain or combination jackets as well as lined jackets for winter.

Soft and cosy in fleece

Thick, weatherproof outdoor jackets for kids are usually not necessary on dry spring and autumn days - at least if you're not planning an excursion lasting several days where you can't accurately predict the weather conditions. A fleece jacket is then the perfect companion, as it keeps you nice and warm but is very light and thin. A fleece jacket is also ideal if you want to use the tried-and-tested onion look to stay flexible when travelling. This is because you can wear it under an all-weather jacket or waterproof jacket for additional warmth. If the temperature rises, the outdoor offspring can simply take off one of the two jackets.

Softshell jackets - versatile

Softshell jackets can be used for various outdoor activities and are therefore also very popular with kids. They impress with their light material, which is waterproof and also provides reliable protection from the wind and cold thanks to its insulating properties. Integrated, breathable membranes in these outdoor jackets ensure optimum moisture and heat regulation so that kids never start sweating or freezing.

Combi jacket and trekking jacket

If you are travelling for a long period of time, a good weatherproof jacket for your child is a must. For example, a trekking jacket that provides perfect protection against wind and weather. Combination jackets are particularly practical, as you can separate the inner and outer jackets from each other and adapt them even more flexibly to the respective weather conditions. It is important for both jackets to be breathable, water-repellent and heat-insulating.

Always guaranteed dry thanks to a waterproof jacket or rain poncho 

A rain shower can surprise you at any time of year. To ensure that your clothes and luggage are not completely soaked afterwards, a good waterproof jacket or rain poncho should be part of your equipment. Of course, it is important for rainwear to keep everything dry even in strong rain. Thanks to the closable hood, no moisture is guaranteed to get in and rain ponchos for kids can also be worn over the backpack thanks to their special shape. If you or your kids don't have a backpack with them, you can shorten the back of the poncho to get the right fit. Of course, light rain protection is only perfect if you can roll it up or fold it to save space after a rain shower.

Lined jacket for cold days

When temperatures drop, outdoor jackets for kids need to be better insulated. At Transa, you will find various jackets that are lined with synthetic fibres or down for high heat-insulating properties. Despite the high level of insulation, these jackets won't make you sweat as they are breathable and good at moisture-regulating. You can choose from lightly lined models, but there are also jackets that are very thickly lined to keep young hikers reliably warm during their outdoor adventures, even in sub-zero temperatures.

Kombijacke und Trekkingjacke

Bist du länger unterwegs, darf eine gute wetterfeste Jacke für dein Kind nicht fehlen. Zum Beispiel eine Trekkingjacke, die perfekt vor Wind und Wetter schützt. Besonders praktisch sind sogenannte Kombijacken, bei denen du Innen- und Aussenjacke voneinander trennen und so noch flexibler an die jeweiligen Wetterverhältnisse anpassen kannst. Wichtig ist für beide Jacken, dass sie atmungsaktiv, wasserabweisend und wärmeisolierend sind.

Garantiert immer trocken dank Regenjacke oder Regenponcho 

Zu jeder Jahreszeit kann dich unterwegs ein Regenschauer überraschen. Damit Kleidung und Gepäck danach nicht völlig durchnässt sind, gehört eine gute Regenjacke oder ein Regenponcho in jedes Equipment. Wichtig für die Regenbekleidung ist natürlich, dass auch bei starkem Regen alles schön trocken bleibt. Dank verschliessbarer Kapuze dringt hier garantiert keine Nässe ein und Regenponchos für Kinder kannst du dank ihrer speziellen Form auch über dem Rucksack tragen. Hast du bzw. dein Kind keinen Rucksack dabei, kannst du das Rückenteil des Ponchos entsprechend verkürzen, damit die Passform stimmt. Perfekt ist der leichte Regenschutz natürlich nur, wenn du ihn nach dem Regenschauer sehr platzsparend zusammenrollen oder falten kannst.

Gefütterte Jacke für kalte Tage

Sinken die Temperaturen, müssen besser isolierende Outdoor-Jacken für Kinder her. Bei Transa findest du verschiedene Jacken, die für eine hohe Wärmeisolierung mit Kunstfasern oder Daunen gefüttert sind. Trotz der hohen Isolierung gerät man mit diesen Jacken nicht ins Schwitzen, da sie atmungsaktiv und gut feuchtigkeitsregulierend sind. Du hast hier die Wahl aus leicht gefütterten Modellen, aber es gibt auch Jacken, die sehr dick gefüttert sind und so die jungen Wanderer während ihren Outdoor-Abenteuern auch bei Minusgraden zuverlässig warmhalten.

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