Whether it's for a short shopping trip in the city, a visit to the cinema or shopping - with a shoulder bag, you are perfectly equipped for any activity. This is because you can store all your everyday essentials in a shoulder bag - from accessories such as glasses, wallet and mobile phone to make-up items or sportswear. These practical shoulder bags are also ideal for school and the office.
At Transa, you'll find a diverse selection of shoulder bags for a wide range of purposes. Whether it's a small handbag, large messenger bag or shoulder bag for women or men - you're guaranteed to find the right bag for your next activity.
Shoulder bags are equipped with large shoulder straps so that they can be carried comfortably. The advantage of this is that you have your hands free for other things. Depending on the size, shoulder bags are worn either over the shoulder or diagonally across the shoulder and chest, which prevents the bag from slipping. This is an advantage, for example, if you are travelling by bike and don't want the shoulder bag to fall off.
You can also recognise a good shoulder bag by the following features:
Whether you use the shoulder bag as a handbag or shoulder bag depends on the size and the contents you want to carry. The advantage of a small shoulder bag is that it is light and handy, can be worn as a fashion accessory and you have all your important items to hand at all times. There's room for everything you need for school, university or the office in the spacious messenger bag. And you can best store your shopping in the sturdy shopping bag, which is very small and foldable but can be loaded with a larger purchase.
If you are planning a long shopping trip or would like to have an extra bag with you when travelling, shoulder bags, such as the spacious everyday bags with generous carrying handles, are ideal.
Whether a small or large shoulder bag, the contents are protected by robust materials that are either waterproof or at least water-repellent. The bags for women and men are available in a wide range of sizes, so depending on the model, they are suitable for carrying a few items or for bulk shopping. The larger the shoulder bag, the more sturdy the handles are usually made.
The larger the shoulder bag, the more sturdy the handles are usually made.
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